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Companies in a balance act

Time for a change of perspective // Stress, hectic, pressure, existential fears and shortage thinking are not healthy development - neither for employees nor for companies. But what does an environment need as a place for good personal development and sustainable performance? Where are undreamt-of possibilities within reach, where can creativity unfold? 


In business, resistance continues to prevail, alternating with resignation, burn-out and despair - not only from employees but also from companies - as beings in their own right. The traditional and the learned no longer seem to work, as if under a spell. In short, we have acted too rationally for too long and lost focus of our feminine qualities. But what can be done? Opening up to transformation, change and transformation of old structures, ways of thinking and processes is the basic prerequisite for orienting oneself towards sustainable, healthy and fulfilling work and life. It needs a new basis, a kind of "reset" of our familiar economic and working world - not on the outside through new office designs but deep inside. The connection of heart and brain will be the key to the breakthrough.



Nicole Dildei // Specialist in building a living organisation that enables authentic collaboration with all available resources and qualities in the medium to long term.

I offer strategy and transformation consulting for entrepreneurs, companies and employees with the aim of realigning to corporate authenticity:


  • Sorting out structures and processes, releasing blockages, creating clarity,

  • explore and develop values and qualities, and

  • create a suitable, individual "framework" for the New Age.


My ability is to bring companies and their system back into their natural balance. The aim is that all existing resources, qualities and energies can flow freely and harmoniously with each other. The essence, the very essence and truthfulness of the company and all those involved is uncovered and brought into the world - mindfully, powerfully, connecting. 

My heartfelt concern as a management consultant of the New Age is not only to integrate more humanity, mutual care, openness and transparency in the company through a change of perspective, but also to bring the company's very own energy back to life.




Humanity. Authenticity.

Change of perspective 2.0 //
Company transformation and
Alignment with the New Era

My approach is based on the holistic analysis of the company's DNA, its transformation and realignment and includes:


  • Realisation of the corporate authenticity through a comprehensive corporate analysis

  • Connecting the two interdependent worlds - the economic-rational and the subtle-emotional through the interplay of energetic methods and economic expertise

  • Building a living organisation that enables an authentic collaboration of existing and appropriate resources, qualities and values in the medium to long term

The requirements for this are:


  • Calmness and silence, as well as sufficient time to deal with the essential, existing and potential in the company,

  • Transparency and openness for a transformation of the organisation,

  • Patience and tact, compassion and trust to work out the new direction, mission and values of the company that want to be lived in the future.

In this environment, as a heart person, I manage not only to hear the soul of the company, but to whisper intensely with it.

Time to rethink? Talk to me!

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Putting old structures and thought patterns in order

Developing an authentic and lively overall composition for the New Age with all its exciting and multifaceted challenges is the result of my work.


(+) Click on graphic to enlarge.

1. Stocktaking

In silence, I immerse myself in the company and its status quo. Here the focus is particularly on cooperation, processes and interfaces, the protagonists and their habits. Mindful interviews with all those involved are just as essential as diving into production processes and structures to get a holistic overall picture.

An essential part of this is to give those involved the opportunity to describe their point of view, to address their values and opinions, fears and hardships, any potential for optimisation and internal moods. What is necessary to work together in a trusting way in the long term.


2. Analysis of the current situation

A comprehensive analysis of the current situation brings together the findings and helps to find the source of possible disruptive factors and causes of existing problems. In this step I already include possible deviations from the corporate identity, authenticity and orientation.


3. Derivation of recommendations for action and concept development

I develop a range of existing transformation options that harmonise both interpersonal and system-immanent areas of friction and are attuned to the company's philosophy or its essence within the framework of an overall concept.

4. Orientation towards new goals

A comprehensive strategy meeting with the responsible persons and decision-making bodies leads to the adoption of a new mindset and overall orientation of the company. The employees are picked up accordingly and taken along. Initial surveys can be used to gauge the mood in order to find the lowest common denominator.


5. Preparation of an action plan

This plan contains not only the timeline, prioritisation of measures and further ideas, but in particular concrete proposals for change in order to achieve initial successes in the short term.


These can come from the leadership culture, communication or also the values, mission and vision of the company.

6. Monitoring of the implementation and supervision

The introduction and implementation of the adopted measures is accompanied intensively, a kind of "watchdog" is implemented, who observes how the company develops in case of deviations from the adopted, new structure. Living the new values, qualities and ideas is the essential criterion for the success of the transformation. Empty words and mere lip service are undesirable, so that new insights can and will always lead to a renewed adjustment of the corporate culture and orientation.

Regular supervision makes sense so that the company and its employees remain in balance in the long term.

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Are you ready? Contact me!

Reflect on the very
own, authentic and
living corporate DNA


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